Pokémon TCG Scarlet & Violet 3: Obsidian Flames-Tripack-Houndstone
This Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Obsidian FLames reveals itself through its colourful and cute cover featuring Charmeleon. Are you also curious about how to expand your collection of Scarlet and Violet? Then this box is the extra dynamite for your collection. In this box, you will discover Charizard Ex’s new powers and infuse some Pokémon ex like Tyranitar, Eiscue and Vespiquen with different types than usual. While Dragonite ex and Greedent ex show mastery over their own inner powers. Unmatchable, Revavroom ex, Melmetal ex and more Pokémons promise to change the course of battle in the Scarlet & Violet-Obsidian Flames expansion!
Houndstone is a large, skeletal, dog-like Pokémon, reborn from a deceased Pokémon mourned with love.
Houndstone spends much of its time underground, particularly in graveyards, where only its tombstone is visible.
Houndstone is considered the most loyal of all canine Pokémon and lives mainly in boreal mountains.
Are you ready for battle with Houndstone?
Obsidian Flames-Tripack-Houndstone consists of:
Release date: 11/08/2023