Pokémon TCG Orbeetle V Box: Orbeetle is known for his large amounts of intelligence that he possesses, this is certainly noticeable when you look at his huge brain mass! The psychic energy it releases allows it to observe its surroundings up to six miles away!
After absorbing Gigantamax energy, Orbeetle has significantly increased his intellect and brain size.
The Pokémon TCG Orbeetle V Box! This V box contains:
- 1 Orbeetle V promo card
- 1 jumbo Orbeetle V promo card
- 4 Pokémon TCG booster packs
- 2 x Evolving Skies
- 1 x Cosmic Eclipse
- 1 x Vivid Voltage
- 1 code card for Pokémon TCG Online
Be sure to check out Vivid Voltage’s matching products and complete your collection!