Funko! Pop! Animation! One Piece – Snake-man Luffy 1266
One Piece is a popular anime series based on the manga by Eiichiro Oda.
The series follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young man with a dream to find the world’s greatest treasure called One Piece.
Together with his loyal crew, he travels through the New World, a world full of dangers and secrets.
One Piece is known for its unique and exciting storyline, great animation and colourful characters.
Each episode is filled with humour, action and emotion, making it an absolute must-see for fans of anime and adventures.
Funko! Pop! Animation! One Piece – Snake-man Luffy 1266 contains:
- 1 vinyl Funko! Pop! Animation! “One Piece – Snake-man Luffy 1266”
- Height: 9 cm
Keep out of reach of children under 3 years old.