A storm has developed in the magical realm of Lorcana. A powerful Ursula shimmer, unleashed by the Great Illuminary, is finally ready to set plans in motion. How far will the sea witch go to gain power over all of Lorcana?
Take on an adversary like no other! In this exciting Disney Lorcana TCG experience, you must take on Ursula and her entangled glares even as her powers increase. Cunning as ever, the sea witch plays by her own rules, and with her own all-new special card game. Try all four difficulty levels!
With the contents of this box, you can take on Ursula’s forces alone or with a friend. You can also add up to two more friends with card games by your side, for a total of four players. Players can use any standard Disney Lorcana deck.
Disney Lorcana: Ursula’s Return Illumineers Quest includes:
- 1 extra-large Ursula card
- 1 Ursula scene deck (50 cards) with a unique card backing
- 2 ready-made Disney Lorcana TCG decks (60 cards each).
- 2 extra-large, double-sided battlefield cards
- 1 Deep Trouble playmat
- 1 Ursula draw token
- 3 Lore tracking tokens
- 29 Damage counters
- 1 secret victory card
- Sheet with Deep Trouble rules*
Language: English
Release date: 17/05/2024